yliopistotutkija, Tuorlan observatorio
dosentti, fysiikan ja tähtitieteen laitos

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Vesilinnantie 5



GOTO Transient Discovery Report for 2023-06-22 #2023-1455 (2023)

Kotak R., Steeghs D., Galloway D. K., Dhillon V., O'Brien P., Ramsay G., Pollacco D., Poshyachinda S., Nuttall L., Pallé E., Lyman J., O'Neill D., Ulaczyk K., Ackley K., Dyer M., Killestein T.; on behalf of GOTO collaboration
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

GOTO Transient Discovery Report for 2023-10-16 #2023-2610 (2023)

Kumar A., Gompertz B., Ramsay G., Belkin S., Ackley K., Dyer M., Jiménez-Ibarra F., Lyman J., Ulaczyk K., Steeghs D., Galloway D., Dhillon V., O'Brien P., Noysena K., Kotak R., Breton R., Nuttall L., Pallé E., Pollacco D., Killestein T., O'Neill D.; on behalf of GOTO collaboration
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

GOTO Transient Discovery Report for 2023-11-28 #2023-3091 (2023)

Killestein T., Ackley K., Dyer M., Jiménez-Ibarra F., Lyman J., Ulaczyk K., Steeghs D., Galloway D., Dhillon V., O'Brien P., Ramsay G., Noysena K., Kotak R., Breton R., Nuttall L., Pallé E., Pollacco D., Kumar A., O'Neill D.; on behalf of GOTO collaboration
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

GOTO Transient Discovery Report for 2023-12-07 #2023-3153 (2023)

Ackley K., Dyer M., Jiménez-Ibarra F., Lyman J., Ulaczyk K., Steeghs D., Galloway D., Dhillon V., O'Brien P., Ramsay G., Noysena K., Kotak R., Breton R., Nuttall L., Pallé E., Pollacco D., Killestein T., Kumar A., O'Neill D.; on behalf of GOTO collaboration
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

GOTO Transient Discovery Report for 2023-07-10 #2023-1615 (2023)

O'Neill D., Kotak R., Steeghs D., Galloway D. K., Dhillon V., O'Brien P., Ramsay G., Pollacco D., Poshyachinda S., Nuttall L., Pallé E., Lyman J., O'Neill D., Ulaczyk K., Ackley K., Dyer M., Killestein T., Kumar A.; on behalf of GOTO collaboration
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

Self-supervised clustering on image-subtracted data with deep-embedded self-organizing map (2023)

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Mong Y-L, Ackley K, Killestein T L, Galloway D K, Vassallo C, Dyer M, Cutter R, Brown M J I, Lyman J, Ulaczyk K, Steeghs D, Dhillon V, O’Brien P, Ramsay G, Noysena K, Kotak R, Breton R, Nuttall L, Pallé E, Pollacco D, Thrane E, Awiphan S, Burhanudin U, Chote P, Chrimes A, Daw E, Duffy C, Eyles-Ferris R, Gompertz B P, Heikkilä T, Irawati P, Kennedy M, Levan A, Littlefair S, Makrygianni L, Marsh T, Mata Sánchez D, Mattila S, Maund J R, McCormac J, Mkrtichian D, Mullaney J, Rol E, Sawangwit U, Stanway E, Starling R, Strøm P, Tooke S, Wiersema K
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

GOTO Transient Discovery Report for 2023-10-26 #2023-2728 (2023)

O'Neill D., Ackley K., Dyer M., Jiménez-Ibarra F., Lyman J., Ulaczyk K., Steeghs D., Galloway D., Dhillon V., O'Brien P., Ramsay G., Noysena K., Kotak R., Breton R., Nuttall L., Pallé E., Pollacco D., Killestein T., Kumar A.; on behalf of GOTO collaboration
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

GOTO Transient Discovery Report for 2023-12-04 #2023-3128 (2023)

Killestein T., Kelsey L., Wickens E., Ackley K., Dyer M., Jiménez-Ibarra F., Lyman J., Ulaczyk K., Steeghs D., Galloway D., Dhillon V., O'Brien P., Ramsay G., Noysena K., Kotak R., Breton R., Nuttall L., Pallé E., Pollacco D., Kumar A., O'Neill D.; on behalf of GOTO collaboration
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

GOTO-FAST spectroscopic classifications of optical transients #2023-231 (2023)

O'Neill D., Warwick B., Godson B., Pursiainen M., Kumar A., Lyman J., Kuncarayakti H., Killestein T., Coppejans D., Ramsay G., Kotak R., Ackley K., Dyer M. J., Ulaczyk K., Jiminez-Ibarra F., Steeghs D., Galloway D. K., Dhillon V., O'Brien P., Noysena K., Breton R. P., Nuttall L. K., Pallé E., Pollacco D.; on behalf of GOTO
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

GOTO Transient Discovery Report for 2023-06-15 #2023-1388 (2023)

Kotak R., Steeghs D., Galloway D. K., Dhillon V., O'Brien P., Ramsay G., Pollacco D., Thrane E., Poshyachinda S., Nuttall L., Pallé E., Lyman J., O'Neill D., Ulaczyk K., Ackley K., Dyer M., Killestein T., Kennedy M.; on behalf of GOTO collaboration
(D2 Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa)