yliopistotutkija, Tuorlan observatorio
dosentti, fysiikan ja tähtitieteen laitos

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Vesilinnantie 5



adH0cc spectroscopic classification of SN 2020zia #2020-230 (2020)

Vogl C, Floers A, Taubenberger S, Csoernyei G, Cudmani MG, Holas A, Hillebrandt W, Suyu SH, Leibundgut B, Spyromilio J, Smartt SJ, Dobson M, Kotak R, Bruch R, Gal-Yam A, Lemon C
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

Radio detection of SN 2020acat (2020)

Alsaberi R., Ryder S. D., Filipovic M. D., Kundu E., Anderson G., Stockdale C., Maeda K., Renaud M., Kotak R.
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

Study of the scattering of 15C at energies around the Coulomb barrier (2020)

International Nuclear Physics Conference, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Yang J., Teubig P., Vinals S., Wolinska-Cichocka M., Wolski R., Ovejas J.D., Martel I., Knyazev A., Borge M.J.G., Tengblad O., Keeley N., Cederkall J., Garciá-Ramos C., Rusek K., Arokiaraj A.A., Babo M., Pérez T., Acosta L.A., Angelis G.D., Pietro A.D., Cap T., Ceylan N., Fraile L., Fynbo H., Fernández J.P., Figuera P., Jonson B., Kotak R., Galaviz D., Jensen J.H., Munch M., Marquínez-Durán G., Madurga M., Kurtukian T., Peralta L., Pakou A., Honório R., Orduz A.K., Riisager K., Renaud M., Raabe R., Perea A., Soukeras V., Sgouros O., Sánchez-Segovia J., Sánchez-Benítez A.M.
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))

Searching for electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave merger events with the prototype Gravitational-Wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO-4) (2020)

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Gompertz BP, Cutter R, Steeghs D, Galloway DK, Lyman J, Ulaczyk K, Dyer MJ, Ackley K, Dhillon VS, O'Brien PT, Ramsay G, Poshyachinda S, Kotak R, Nuttall L, Breton RP, Palle E, Pollacco D, Thrane E, Aukkaravittayapun S, Awiphan S, Brown MJI, Burhanudin U, Chote P, Chrimes AA, Daw E, Duffy C, Eyles-Ferris RAJ, Heikkila T, Irawati P, Kennedy MR, Killestein T, Levan AJ, Littlefair S, Makrygianni L, Marsh T, Sanchez DM, Mattila S, Maund J, McCormac J, Mkrtichian D, Mong YL, Mullaney J, Muller B, Obradovic A, Rol E, Sawangwit U, Stanway ER, Starling RLC, Strom PA, Tooke S, West R, Wiersema K
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

LIGO/Virgo S200213t: No notable candidates in GOTO imaging (2020)

Cutter R, Ackley K, Gompertz BP, Lyman J, Ramsay G, Ulaczyk K, Galloway DK, Stanway E, Killestein T, Wiersema K, Kennedy M, Steeghs D, Dyer M, Dhillon V, O'Brien P, Pollacco D, Thrane E, Poshyachinda S, Mattila S, Nuttall L, Palle E, Levan A, Marsh T, West R, Mong Y-, Casey A, Brown M, Muller B, Mullaney J, Daw E, Littlefair S, Maund J, Makrygianni L, Starling R, Eyles R, Tooke S, Aukkaravittayapun S, Sawangwit U, Awiphan S, Mkrtichian D, Irawati P, Kotak R, Heikkila T, Rol E; Goto Collaboration
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))