dosentti, psykologia
yliopistonlehtori, psykologia
PhD, Senior lecturer
Aging and sleep deprivation affect different neurocognitive stages of spatial information processing during a virtual driving task – An ERP study (2022)
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
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Top-Down Processing and Nature Connectedness Predict Psychological and Physiological Effects of Nature (2022)
Environment and Behavior
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Modality-specific and modality-general electrophysiological correlates of visual and auditory awareness: Evidence from a bimodal ERP experiment (2022)
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The Level of Processing Modulates Visual Awareness: Evidence from Behavioral and Electrophysiological Measures (2021)
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)-induced Blindsight of Orientation is Degraded Conscious Vision (2021)
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Open and empathic personalities see two things at the same time: the relationship of big-five personality traits and cognitive empathy with mixed percepts during binocular rivalry (2021)
Current Psychology
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Differential interactions of age and sleep deprivation in driving and spatial perception by male drivers in a virtual reality environment (2021)
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
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Subjective ratings of fear are associated with frontal late positive potential asymmetry, but not with early brain activity over the occipital and centro-parietal cortices (2020)
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )
ERP and MEG correlates of visual consciousness: The second decade (2020)
Consciousness and Cognition
(A2 Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä)
Masked blindsight in normal observers: Measuring subjective and objective responses to two features of each stimulus (2020)
Consciousness and Cognition
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