Doctoral Researcher, Project Researcher and Teacher in the Master´s degree programme of Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC)
Member of the following groups and networks:
- UTU´s Amazon Research Team
- UTU´s Global South Network
- Sustainable Futures Research group at Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC)
- Activist Research Network of Finland
Hi! I am Marianna Birmoser Ferreira-Aulu, doctoral researcher at the University of Turku (UTU), Finland. My long-term professional goal is to contribute to society by exploring innovative pathways towards just and sustainable futures. I intend to do this by producing high-quality scientific materials, by popularizing science to catalyse positive transformations, and by engaging with the civil society to collaborate with various stakeholders.
My current research, with a working title of “Amazonia 2040: Scenarios of the Future for Empowering Sustainability” aims at experimenting on co-creating mapped-based scenarios. As a study case, I look at the Mosaic of Conservation Areas of the Lower Rio Negro, in the Brazilian Amazonia.
I also teach the course Futures Case Evaluation, at the Master´s degree programme of Futures Studies.
At UTU, I have worked as project researcher Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC), and the Centre for Collaborative Research (CCR). I have been engaged with various projects in strategic foresight, futures literacy, sustainability and climate action, renewable energy, food research, and international collaboration.
In addition to desk research, I enjoy doing workshop facilitation (have experience in Finland, Peru and Colombia). I have also been quite active in public speaking, by giving talks in various seminars and conferences. I also enjoy cooperating to developing the strategy of our own organization. I have represented UTU in international cooperation initiatives through international education services.
List of projects & events Marianna has been involved in FFRC (2017-)
- Longtermism Alliance (EIT Climate Kic) [2021]
- Futures Literacy Across de Deep Demonstrations (FLxDeep) [2020]
- Manufacturing 4.0 [2019]
- European Research Intrastructures in the International Landscape (RISCAPE) [2018-2019]
- Native Crops for Innovative and Sustainable Food Futures in Peru and Colombia (HEI-ICI PECOLO) [2018-2019]
- UNESCO Chair in Learning Society and Futures of Education [2018]
- Bioeconomy and Justice (BioEcoJust) [2018]
- Green Economy Transitions in the Least Developed Countries: Multi scale Analysis of Energy and Forest Use in Laos and Cambodia (GET-LDC) [2017]
- Futures Fair – Celebration the 25th Anniversary of FFRC [2017]
- “Futures for Food” Academic Conference - 15th International Conference of the Finland Futures Research Centre and the Finland Futures Academy, University of Turku [2013]
FUTS3115 FUTULAB5 Futures Case Evaluation [2022, 2023]
Responsible Teacher.
This is an obligatory course of the Master's Degree Programme in Futures Studies
FUTS3106 FUTUS6 Cultural Sustainability [2021]
Course assistant. Responsible teacher: Dr. Katriina Siivonen
This is an optional course of the Master's Degree Programme in Futures Studies/ Sustainable Development minor.