biolääketieteen laitos
Ota yhteyttä
Unique Features of a Unique Cell: The Wonder World of GnRH Neurons (2018)
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The kisspeptin receptor: A key G-protein-coupled receptor in the control of the reproductive axis (2018)
Best Practice and Research: Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
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SF1-Specific AMPK alpha 1 Deletion Protects Against Diet-Induced Obesity (2018)
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Estradiol Regulates Energy Balance by Ameliorating Hypothalamic Ceramide-Induced ER Stress (2018)
Cell Reports
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Connecting metabolism and gonadal function: Novel central neuropeptide pathways involved in the metabolic control of puberty and fertility (2018)
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology
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Sex-Biased Physiological Roles of NPFF1R, the Canonical Receptor of RFRP-3, in Food Intake and Metabolic Homeostasis Revealed by its Congenital Ablation in mice (2018)
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Changes in keratin 8/18 expression in human granulosa cell lineage are associated to cell death/survival events: potential implications for the maintenance of the ovarian reserve (2018)
Human Reproduction
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Metabolic regulation of female puberty via hypothalamic AMPK-kisspeptin signaling (2018)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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SIRT1 mediates obesity- and nutrient-dependent perturbation of pubertal timing by epigenetically controlling Kiss1 expression (2018)
Nature Communications
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Disentangling puberty: novel neuroendocrine pathways and mechanisms for the control of mammalian puberty (2017)
Human Reproduction Update
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