I received my Ph.D. in Physics from Imperial College London. During my Ph.D., I was awarded the Imperial College London 2014 Solid State Physics Prize and the Imperial College London Postgraduate Research Symposium Prize 2014. In June 2017, I received the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellowship to continue my research at Aalto University. In August 2020 I received an ERC starting grant and moved to the University of Turku.
MTEK0003 Materials Engineering 3
MTEK0009 Open-Ended Project course
The research in our group utilizes materials science, solid-state physics, and photonics for improving light-emitting devices and engineering novel materials for lighting applications. We focus on materials and technologies that are inexpensive and environmentally friendly.
Our research covers a broad range of light-emitting device technologies and sub-fields that are scientifically diverse. We use novel thin-film fabrication techniques and spectroscopic and electrical measurements. The devices we fabricate range from conventional light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and diode lasers to more exotic polariton and plasmonic devices.