Kaisu Hynnä-Granberg profiilikuva
tutkijatohtori, median, musiikin ja taiteen tutkimus
Turun ihmistieteiden tutkijakollegium (TIAS)
Bodies of Media Education – Towards Digital Pedagogies of Feeling (BoME)

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Arcanuminkuja 1


sosiaalinen media
kriittinen kulttuurinen lihavuustutkimus


Tutkijatohtori, Mediatutkimus, Turun ihmistieteiden tutkijakollegium (TIAS).

FT, Mediatutkimus, Turun yliopisto 2023.

Hynnä-Granberg on ollut mukana toimittamassa Social Media + Societyn erikoisnumeroa aiheesta Affective Body Politics of Social Media. Hänen tutkimustaan on julkaistu muun muassa julkaisuissa Social Media + Society, Feminist Media Studies ja Fat Studies.


Olen opettanut kursseja media-analyysista, selfieistä ja sosiaalisesta mediasta.


The project Bodies of Media Education – Towards Digital Pedagogies of Feeling (BoME) develops new approaches to studying the relationship between visual culture and bodies through analyzing self-shooting, the digital practice of creating selfies and other still and moving images of oneself, as a digital pedagogy of feeling. BoME analyses the dynamics, values, limits, and rules of self-shooting as a vehicle of exploration of one’s body and its feelings. The examined materials include media education resources offered by Finnish and European organizations, interview materials with teenagers and educators on the experiences of media education on body ideals, and ethnographic materials gathered at body positive photography meetups. The project coins the term digital pedagogies of feeling to map the role of digital devices as instruments for “feeling one’s body” in media education. In this way, BoME builds ground to a novel approach for studying visual digital cultures as corporeal practices.

Hynnä-Granberg defended her doctoral dissertation The Feeling Body in the Media - Affective Engagements with Body Positive Media in December 2022. The mixed-method study analyzed the relationship between mediated bodies and media users’ lived and felt bodies, reaching for new kinds of understandings of media's meanings to embodiment.



Kun läskipepusta tuli pop (2017)

Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkolehti
Hynnä Kaisu
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))

Muoti kuuluu yliopistoihin (2015)

Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkolehti
Hynnä Kaisu
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))