I am a doctoral researcher in law at the University of Turku. My research and teaching focuses on issues of sexgender and Nordic Feminist Perspectives on Law, binary thinking in terms of sexgender and what kind of insights new materialisms and posthumanism might bring to feminist theory within Nordic Feminist Legal Tradition.
My areas of expertise are Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights, Legal Theory, Feminisms, Posthuman Feminism, New Materialisms, Agential Realism, Finnish procedural law, and Nordic Feminist Perspectives on Law. I am currently focusing on binary thinking in the context of sexgender and its implications in human rights adjudication at the ECtHR
Currently the focus of my doctoral dissertation lies in the centrality of sex/gender binary in relation to law and how societies and law construct different sexes/genders and sexual orientations - both discursively and materially. Furthermore, the law is thought to be abstract according to paradigmatic legal thinking. This abstraction of law can be questioned by investigating whether law might have material effects and itself be part of regulating matter. The dissertation approaches this issue through sexgender binary and how the sexgendered and sexual orientations are differentiated attributes of the same sexuate matter (both human and non-human) by controlling sexuality the law (both formal laws and social norms) are actually techniques of power that regulating sexuality as a vital life force.