dosentti, lääketieteellinen tiedekunta
erityisasiantuntija, biolääketieteen laitos
The interferon-induced helicase IFIH1 Ala946Thr polymorphism is associated with type 1 diabetes in both the high-incidence Finnish and the medium-incidence Hungarian populations (2010)
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Cow's milk allergy in children: adherence to a therapeutic elimination diet and reintroduction of milk into the diet (2010)
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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Association of CTLA4 but not ICOS polymorphisms with type 1 diabetes in two populations with different disease rates (2009)
Human Immunology
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Method for high-throughput screening of HLA-B*39 allele to be used in the assessment of genetic risk for type 1 diabetes (2008)
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Dysregulation of lipid and amino acid metabolism precedes islet autoimmunity in children who later progress to type 1 diabetes (2008)
Journal of Experimental Medicine
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The 3q21-region is showing moderate evidence for association with type 1 diabetes in three Finnish family datasets (2008)
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Two insulin gene single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with type 1 diabetes risk in the Finnish and Swedish populations (2007)
Disease Markers
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Evidence for linkage to and association with type 1 diabetes at the 3q21 region in the Finnish population (2006)
Genes and Immunity
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Association of tumour necrosis factor a, b and c microsatellite polymorphisms with clinical disease activity and induction of remission in early rheumatoid arthritis (2006)
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
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Y-chromosome phylogenetic analysis to dissect type 1 diabetes genetic heterogeneity (2005)
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