professori, lastenpsykiatria
Sourander is principal investigator and co-investigator in several studies and research consortiums. Sourander’s research activity focuses on time trends of psychiatric problems and service use, large birth cohort studies, population-based studies, international multi-site research and intervention studies. He has special expertise in prenatal epidemiology, developmental approaches and investigating the long-term outcome of psychiatric disorders as well as developing clinical methods, family oriented early interventions, RCT and implementation studies of web-based interventions.
The risk of childhood autism among second-generation migrants in Finland – a case-control study (2013)
a case-control study
BMC Pediatrics
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Prevalence Changes of Pain, Sleep Problems and Fatigue Among 8-Year-Old Children: Years 1989, 1999 and 2005 (2012)
Journal of Pediatric Psychology
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Changes in adolescents mental health and use of alcohol and tobacco: a 10-year time-trend study of Finnish adolescents. (2012)
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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Childhood bullying and becoming a young father in a national cohort of Finnish boys (2012)
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
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What predicts illicit drug use versus police-registered drug offending? (2012)
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
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Psychotropic drug and polypharmacy use among adolescents and young adults: findings from the Finnish 1981 Nationwide Birth Cohort Study (2012)
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
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Psychosocial determinants of headache, abdominal pain, and sleep problems in a community sample of Finnish adolescents (2012)
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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Pain at age eight as a predictor of antidepressant medication use by age 24: Findings from the Finnish nationwide 1981 birth cohort study (2012)
Journal of Affective Disorders
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Childhood predictors of becoming a teenage mother among Finnish girls (2012)
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
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What Is the Long-term Outcome of Boys Who Steal at Age Eight? Findings from the Finnish Nationwide “From a Boy to a Man” Birth Cohort Study (2012)
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
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