professori, lastenpsykiatria
Sourander is principal investigator and co-investigator in several studies and research consortiums. Sourander’s research activity focuses on time trends of psychiatric problems and service use, large birth cohort studies, population-based studies, international multi-site research and intervention studies. He has special expertise in prenatal epidemiology, developmental approaches and investigating the long-term outcome of psychiatric disorders as well as developing clinical methods, family oriented early interventions, RCT and implementation studies of web-based interventions.
Prenatal smoking exposure and neuropsychiatric comorbidity of ADHD: a finnish nationwide population-based cohort study (2016)
BMC Psychiatry
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Maahanmuuttajien kanssa työskentely (2016)
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))Association of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Exposure During Pregnancy With Speech, Scholastic, and Motor Disorders in Offspring (2016)
JAMA Psychiatry
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Usability Testing of Guided Internet-based Parent Training for Challenging Behavior in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (Strongest Families FASD) (2016)
Journal of population therapeutics and clinical pharmacology = Journal de la thérapeutique des populations et de la pharamcologie clinique
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Psykostimulantit ja atomoksetiini (2016)
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))Hypothyroxinemia During Gestation and Offspring Schizophrenia in a National Birth Cohort. (2016)
Biological Psychiatry
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Autism risk associated with parental age and with increasing difference in age between the parents. (2016)
Molecular Psychiatry
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Obstetric and Neonatal Adversities, Parity, and Tourette Syndrome: A Nationwide Registry. (2016)
Journal of Pediatrics
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Brief Report: Syndromes in Autistic Children in a Finnish Birth Cohort (2016)
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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Opinions About Mental Illness Among Adolescents: The Impact of a Mental Health Educational Intervention (2016)
School Mental Health
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