Väitös (fysiikka): MSc Moe Moe Aye


2.8.2024 klo 12.15 - 16.00
MSc Moe Moe Aye esittää fysiikan alaan kuuluvan väitöskirjansa OPTIMIZED PINNING IN HIGH-TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTOR THIN FILMS.

Paikka: XVII Auditorio, Quantum

Vastaväittäjä: Dr. rer. nat. Jens Hänisch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Kustos: Prof. Petriina Paturi, Turun yliopisto

Yleisö voi osallistua väitöstilaisuuden myös etäyhteydellä: https://utu.zoom.us/j/68800370634

Väitöskirja yliopiston julkaisuarkistossa: https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-9780-0


High-temperature superconductors (HTS) represent a breakthrough in materials science, conducting electricity with zero resistance at temperatures much higher than traditional superconductors, even in the presence of magnetic fields. This remarkable capability positions HTS, like YBCO (Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide), at the forefront of modern technology advancements, influencing sectors such as power transmission, medical imaging, transportation, and energy storage. YBCO stands out for maintaining superconductivity above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (77 K) and its high critical current density (Jc), making it versatile for numerous practical applications.

Enhancing YBCOs performance involves achieving higher Jc and managing its isotropic properties, critical for optimizing its use across diverse applications. Despite significant progress, current Jc values in YBCO films still fall short of theoretical expectations, constraining practical applications. Maximizing Jc requires meeting stringent criteria for crystalline quality and flux pinning properties. Increasing artificial pinning centers (APCs) within the superconducting lattice can notably boost flux pinning and of course the Jc under high magnetic fields, yet the introduction of impurities can degrade overall performance, affecting Jc and the superconducting transition temperature.

Thus, the challenge lies in striking a delicate balance between APC morphology and the crystalline quality of the YBCO matrix to maximize their performance. This dissertation focuses on advancing YBCOs capabilities through innovative thin film designs and precise experimentation, aiming to enhanced Jc and uncover new frontiers in superconducting technology. By deepening our understanding and optimizing YBCO, this study contributes to harnessing its full potential, promising expanded applications and thereby substantial reductions in energy waste and environmental impact on a global scale.