Väitös (biologia): MSc Luca Pettinau

MSc Luca Pettinau esittää väitöskirjansa “Enhancing fish tolerance to global warming through swimming exercise training” julkisesti tarkastettavaksi Turun yliopistossa perjantaina 8.9.2023 klo 12.00 (Turun yliopisto, Päärakennus, Tauno Nurmela -sali, Turku).

Yleisön on mahdollista osallistua väitökseen myös etäyhteyden kautta: https://utu.zoom.us/j/66496317558 (kopioi linkki selaimeen).

Vastaväittäjänä toimii tohtori David McKenzie (Université de Montpellier) ja kustoksena professori Katja Anttila (Turun yliopisto). Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen. Väitöksen alana on biologia.

Väitöskirja yliopiston julkaisuarkistossa: https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-9391-8


Tiivistelmä väitöstutkimuksesta:

Climate change is increasing the severity and frequency of marine heatwaves, compromising the physiological limits of fish and other aquatic animals. As summers become hotter, fish mass mortalities are becoming more frequent. Fishes are not only vital to ocean ecosystems but also crucial for human activities like fisheries and aquaculture. Therefore, there is an important need to understand the physiological ability of fish to cope with high temperatures and to provide solutions to increase their resilience to heatwaves.

Previous studies have suggested that temperature tolerance of fish is strongly related to cardiac function. In my doctoral thesis, I have studied the mechanisms that allow the fish heart to adjust its function to cope with environmental changes, such as warming water or low oxygen levels. My studies have shown that fish need a strong and athletic heart to be able to flexibly respond to these environmental challenges.

However, hatchery fish are usually cultivated in low water flow and they get their food without any effort. Thus, they are fish world’s couch potatoes. In my thesis I studied, if swimming training can strengthen the heart so that also the tolerance of fish to increased temperatures is improved. By training fish with several swimming exercise programs for 5 weeks, I found that a mild training intensity enhanced heart performance and heart thermal tolerance. I also investigated how maternal exercise training can have cascading effects on the offspring. Exercise training not only enhances the heart physiology of the trained fish but also improves its reproduction, and offspring’s survival and growth.

Taken together, my results suggest that by increasing the water flow in the rearing tanks, we can improve heart physiology and reproduction, as well as the growth rate of the next generation. With the upcoming increase in water temperatures, these findings have important implications for the sectors fish are bred in captivity: aquaculture, and conservation programs, providing a valid practice to enhance the resilience of fish to global warming.