Science Days

The programme on Friday, 13 January at 10.15am–1.45pm includes two discussion sessions about the academic freedom and creating a research career in Finland as a foreigner. The events will be held at the Säästöpankki hall at the Main Building of the University of Turku.

In the first event, the participants will watch part of the presentation Scholars at Risk and Protection of Academic Freedom from the Helsinki Science Days. After the presentation, the topic will be discussed together. The discussion will be led by Martin Cloonan, Director of the Turku Institute for Advanced Studies, and Irinja Paakkanen, Head of International Affairs at the University of Turku.

The second discussion session focuses on creating a career as a foreign researcher in Finland. Senior Researcher Jessica Trach from INVEST Flagship and Doctoral Researcher Alireza Zamani will lead to the discussion by telling their own story. The discussion is moderated by HR Specialist Eeva Keso and Coordinator Eevi Savola from the University of Turku Graduate School UTUGS.
Helka Oksanen