Flavoria Innovation Festival 2024


11.11.2024 klo 12.00 - 15.11.2024 klo 17.00
Flavoria Innovation Festival is a week-long innovation event during which multidisciplinary student teams solve real company challenges.

This year’s amazing challenges are related to sustainability, responsibility, circular economy, product development, and Finnish food. The challenges are presented by Hunaja-Salo, Birkkala Spelt Farm, Unica restaurants, co-operative Turun Osuuskauppa, and Raisio.

The language of the week is English, and we warmly welcome students from different universities and schools to participate. Working hours during the week (from Mon to Fri) are approximately from 12 to 5 PM.

Please note that UTU students enroll on the course in the Peppi Study System. Sign in to the Student’s Desktop and write the course name “MEDV1020 Flavoria Innovation Festival” in the Search for courses field at the top of the page. Enroll on the course and answer all mandatory questions.