Research at Molecular Plant Biology
Research at the Department of Life Technologies Molecular Plant Biology unit is focused on understanding the structure, function and regulation of photosynthesis in plants, algae and cyanobacteria. We study cellular components and energy transfer pathways in different photosynthetic systems to identify the roles of photosynthesis in cell metabolism and signaling, development and stress responses, also upon changes in ambient environment. Applied aspects of photosynthesis research include modification of photosynthesis for bioenergy production, waste water treatment and use of photosynthetic organisms as cell factories for the production of valuable compounds.
Focal areas of research
Regulation of Photosynthesis
Signaling, development and stress responses
Applied photosynthesis research
Research groups
Osmotic stress signaling in Arabidopsis
Photosynthesis Group
Photosynthetic Microbes
Plant Biophysics Project
Plant-fungus interactions
Plant-Machine Interactions
Redox networks in plant chloroplasts
Regulation of Bioenergetics in Cyanobacteria
Protein acetylation in regulation of photosynthesis
RNA polymerase of cyanobacteria
Signaling pathways of sexual reproduction in mushrooms
Synthetic Biology of Cyanobacteria
Centres of Excellence
NCoE NordAqua
Recent publications
A complex and dynamic redox network regulates oxygen reduction at photosystem I in Arabidopsis (2025)
Plant Physiology
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)
Conclusion: Horizons of Red and Green (2025)
(B2 Non-refereed book chapter or chapter in a compilation book)Mars and the Earthlings: A Realistic View on Mars Exploration and Settlement (2025)
(C2 Editorial work for a scientific compilation book)Mars as a Science Base: Towards a Small Permanent Outpost (2025)
(A3 Refereed book chapter or chapter in a compilation book)Stepwise processing of Chlorella sorokiniana confers plant biostimulant that reduces mineral fertilizer requirements (2025)
Bioresource Technology
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)