Research at the Department of Landscape Studies
Landscape Studies researches places, landscape and their change from a cultural point of view, combining a humanistic approach with the theory and methods of other disciplines focused on studying the environment. The methods may entail interviews, Public Participation GIS, historical study, visual analysis or participatory observation.
Typical research questions are:
- How is landscape experienced by people?
- How has the landscape been shaped?
- How do values affect the development of landscape?
- What kind of landscape is just?
Our research projects
IN SITU - Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas, 2022 - 2026. Horizon Europe
Kokkeli: participatory protection and artistic development of the environment in the Kokemäki River valley in Western Finland
Nature-based water management and sociocultural aspects of town planning – a case study on the City of Pori, Finland
A survey of the third and fourth sector in the Finnish cultural sector
BalticRim project dives into the Baltic Sea
Living with Cultural Heritage: Sharing Experiences and Knowledge around the Baltic Sea
Challenged Hegemony: The Environmental History of the Finnish Forest Industry, 1870-1970
Environmental History of the Baltic Sea
Recent publications in the Degree Programme in Digital Culture, Landscape and Cultural Heritage
Elon Muskin ja Taylor Swiftin kohtaaminen somessa oli syksyn ilmiöitä (2025)
Turun Sanomat
(E1 Popularised article)
5 Eurajoki – arjen kulttuurisia tarttumapintoja virtaavaan veteen (2025)
(D2 Article in a professional compilation book)In Commodore’s Shadow – Gaming on 1980s’ Marginal Home Computers (2025)
Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies Blog
(D1 Professional blog post)
Helmarit idoleina ja influenssereina – Naisjalkapalloilijoihin kohdistetut sukupuolittuneet odotukset ja verkkohäirintä (2025)
(A3 Refereed book chapter or chapter in a compilation book)Haussa paikka auringossa – aurinkovoimaloita ei pitäisi rakentaa arvokkaisiin kulttuuriympäristöihin (2025)
Satakunnan Kansa
(E1 Popularised article)