The research project Languages in international business communication LangBuCom
The research project "Kielet kansainvälisessä yritysviestinnässä" addresses language needs and use in Finnish companies, from the perspective of internationalization. The focus lies on companies which have business contacts with companies in the German-speaking countries, since these countries – and especially Germany – play a significant role for Finnish companies’ international business contacts.
The project seeks answers to the following research questions:
- Which requirements do increasing international contacts pose on the employees in linguistic and communicative terms?
- What opportunities and challenges do increasing international contacts bring about in terms of (i) multilingual situations and (ii) the use of specific languages such as German and English?
- What factors promote the employees’ successful communication in international business communication, with focus on international business contacts?
The research project uses a multi-method approach with an online-survey, semi-structured interviews and the analysis of authentic communication.
Key words: international business communication; language needs analysis; multilingualism
In the project
- Margit Breckle, former University of Vaasa, now Hanken Vasa and
- Joachim Schlabach, former Turku School of Economics (Unit for languages and business communication / Institute for Marketing and International Business), now University of Turku KieVi