Keyword: The Centre for Language and Communication Studies

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

A brief overview of Kievi’s approach to using AI


The overwhelming effect of AI took most of us by surprise when ChatGPT was released in November 2022. Like the rest of the world, we had to think overnight how best to use it and start to process how it could affect our teaching, our students and how we manage and assess the work they do when learning languages and communication. In order to make sense of this new situation, in Kievi we have spent a lot of time and effort to train, educate and assist our teachers through a variety of methods.

Dr Peter Levrai


We are very happy to announce that Peter Levrai successfully defended his doctorate on Friday 17 January.

Die PWD 2024


Die Absolventen der Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International (PWD) wurden zum erfolgreichen Abschluss mit einem Empfang an der Deutschen Botschaft geehrt.

PWD-tutkinnon (kansainvälinen saksan talouskielen tutkinto) 2024 menestyksekkäästi suorittaneet saivat diplominsa Saksan suurlähetystön vastaanotolla 6. toukokuuta.

Welcome to the 2digi2 website - advice, resources and materials for teaching in the digital environment


We are happy to announce the launching of the new 2digi2 website. 2digi2 has been a two-year project, 2022-2023, involving teachers and staff from 13 language centres around Finland. We have created great resources to assist teachers in navigating the rapidly changing digital teaching environment. The materials can be found in Finnish, Swedish and English and there are four main themes in the project.

Kielikeskus tutkii 5


The Centre for Language and Communication Studies is happy to announce the publication of Kielikeskus tutkii 5