Pluriling benefits

Pluriling: a study of the benefits of multilingual business communication courses /
Pluriling-tutkimus: Monikielisen yritysviestinnän kurssien hyödyt

Plurilingual courses are language courses with two or more target languages characterised by a double didactical reference to multilingualism: On one hand, educational reference is made to previous learnt languages and to the experiences made in multiple language acquisition processes, as well as to the strategies involved. On the other hand, the emphasis is on the objective of plurilingual proficiency as the competence to use multiple languages in parallel. 
So far, the approach of these courses has only been implemented in a few contexts: in language teaching during university studies and at schools in the context of for example plurilingual whole school curricula. 

Courses in Multilingual business communication

Plurilingual courses have been offered at the Turku School of Economics since 2007. Based on the results of the Pluriling needs analysis conducted in international business, the subject Multilingual business communication Monikielinen yritysviestinta was introduced at the University of Turku in 2016.

These plurilingual courses offer a new approach to language teaching with the objective of achieving plurilingual proficiency. Acting in multiple languages includes cross-linguistic activities such as language alternation, code-switching, transfer, and mediation. By using and learning two or three languages, the courses complement the traditional monolingual approach to language learning. The learning objectives and content of multilingual business communication are considered particularly relevant for future employees in international business who frequently use multiple languages in parallel.

Research project Pluriling –

a study of the benefits of multilingual business communication 

Eight years after the implementation of the subject Multilingual business communication / Monikielinen yritysviestintä and 15 years after the first plurilingual pilot courses, the impact and benefits of this still-unique subject is to be investigated. 
The Pluriling study analyses the impact and benefits of this plurilingual language subject. The research includes an examination of the concept of ‘plurilingual courses’ (i.e. theoretical clarification, rationale, and implementation) and the retrospective exploration of the learning outcomes from the learners’ perspective.
The aims of this research are to evaluate the impact of plurilingual courses, to get evidence-based indications as to whether these courses and their concept are perceived as meaningful and sustainable, and, if so, to derive implications for their further development.

Research Questions:

  1. How do the former participants of the plurilingual courses describe their learning experiences in retrospect?
  2. To what extent have these experiences fostered their attitudes towards multilingualism and their willingness to use multiple languages in their professional lives?
  3. To what extent have the former participants been able to apply and further develop the plurilingual skills and strategies they acquired and learn further language communication skills?


An online survey, possibly supplemented by a small number of interviews, will be used to collect data from the former participants of the plurilingual courses at the University of Turku (the size of the target group: ~300). The participants will include professionals with several years of work experience as well as active university students. The data collected will be analysed using qualitative and quantitative methods, including content analysis and statistical analysis.

Expected outcomes:

The results will offer insights into the effectiveness of plurilingual courses in developing plurilingual proficiency for international business communication. These findings will contribute to the further development of courses and curricula in the subject of Multilingual business communication. This research is part of a PhD study that will further contribute to the broader discourse on multilingualism in international business communication and to a deeper understanding of plurilingual proficiency.


Sep. 2022 – Aug. 2025

  • May 2024: Survey among former course participants: 
    · The survey is closed 
    · Thank you very much to all participants. 
    · We have informed the winners of the raffle directly.