Keyword: Faculty of Science

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University Participates in Zero Emissions Day


The University of Turku participates in the Zero Emissions Day campaign organised by the Climate Leadership Coalition. The objective of the campaign is to give the Earth a fossil fuel free day and to address harmful emissions. Different aspects of sustainable development have also been highly prominent in the University’s strategic planning process. Already before the beginning of the new strategy period, the University’s carbon footprint is being determined and education on sustainable development advanced.

Sisters improve chances of reproduction in Asian elephants


Researchers at the University of Turku found that the presence of a maternal sister was positively and significantly associated with annual female reproduction in a population of working elephants in Myanmar. In addition, an age-specific effect was found: young females were more sensitive to the presence of sisters and even more likely to reproduce when living near a sister.

University of Turku to Expand Master of Science Education to Mechanical Engineering and Material Technology – a Sustainable Solution for Expert Shortage


The Ministry of Education and Culture has authorised the University of Turku to expand its technology education. The University will widen its educational range by adding Master’s Degree Programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Material Technology to its pre-existing Degree Programmes in Biotechnology and Information Technology. In addition, the University of Turku was granted educational responsibility in the Chinese language.

Master's Degree Programme in Biomedical Imaging

What can you see inside a cell? Our interdisciplinary programme provides you thorough theoretical understanding and practical skills in diverse biomedical imaging methods and technologies.