Keyword: Faculty of Science

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The University of Turku Nature2100 Fund Has Purchased Forest for Conservation Near Kurjenrahka National Park


The University of Turku Nature2100 fund (Luonto2100-rahasto) that was established last year under the Turku University Foundation has bought its first forests close to Kurjenrahka national park. The two areas that are situated in Pöytyä’s Yläne region constitute altogether 25 hectares. The aim is to enhance the biodiversity and carbon sink of the areas, as well as the possibilities for recreational use.

European Universities Established New Joint Master’s Degree Programmes – Now Open for Applications!


The University of Turku is offering two new international Master’s degree programmes as a part of the European EC2U Alliance. The students selected for the programmes have a freedom to customise a personalised study path for themselves which is focused on either language, culture, and society, or sustainable cities and communities. The students also have a chance to obtain a degree from several Alliance universities at once.

31st BioCity Symposium 25-26 August 2022


This year BioCity Symposium is arranged on-site in Mauno Conference Centre, BioCity, together with InFLAMES Research Flagship 25–26 August 2022, with the title Solution is in Immunity. Registration is now open until 11 August 2022.

Medieval Latrine Discovered in Turku Reveals the Secrets of 15th Century Diet


Researchers from the University of Turku analysed the contents of a medieval latrine to study the life and diet of people who lived in the 15th and 16th century Turku. One of the most interesting finds was melegueta pepper, which grows in Africa and was used as a spice similar to black pepper. The research shows that, in addition to using the resources of the surrounding nature, the citizens of medieval Turku also had contacts abroad.

Dolichomitus meii Wasp Discovered in Amazonia Is Like a Flying Jewel


Parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera) are one of the most species rich animal taxa on Earth, but their tropical diversity is still poorly known. Now, scientist have discovered the Dolichomitus meii and Polysphincta parasitoid wasp species previously unknown to science in South America. The new species found in the rainforests entice with their colours and exciting habits. Researchers at the University of Turku have already described 53 new animal species this year.