Keyword: internationality

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University of Turku has received the status of a European University together with a transnational alliance of higher education institutions


The European Commission approved a total of 24 new members to join the alliance of European Universities. The University of Turku is part of the European Campus of City-Universities, EC2U university alliance, which aims to promote cooperation between the alliance’s universities and cities.

Vice President of Namibia Visits University of Turku


Together with Turku Science Park, the University of Turku organised a networking event at the Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki. The Vice President of Namibia participated in the event that showcased the activities of the higher education institutions, businesses and organisations in Turku. The participants also discussed future collaboration between Finland and Namibia.

University of Turku Aims to Strengthen Co-operation with China


Jukka Kola, who will take up his Rector’s term in the University of Turku in August, has strengthened the University’s ties with Chinese universities during his visit in Hangzhou, China. The discussions raised an idea of an alliance of four universities, with the co-operation focusing especially on health, well-being, food sciences and corporate collaboration. The official negotiations are to be started in the fall.

Number of Applications for International Master’s Degree Programmes of the University of Turku Continued to Increase


The most popular programmes were Global Innovation Management, Biomedical Sciences, Digital Health and Life Sciences, as well as Information Security and Cryptography that received 725 applications in total. All in all, the international Master’s degree programmes received 1,376 applications from 94 countries, as the number of applications in the previous year was 1,116.