Keyword: internationality

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

University of Turku Organised Grant Writing Training for Nigerian Researchers


Altogether 143 researchers from Nigeria took part and completed a grant writing training organised and coordinated by the University of Turku’s Global Education Services in May and June 2022. The training sessions focused on the Horizon Europe research and innovation funding programme and were led by research funding specialists from the University’s Research Funding Unit.

EC2U Local Coordinators Developed More Fluent Practices in a Meeting in Turku


How can best practices be shared and implemented in all of the EC2U Alliance universities? This question was discussed in the meeting of the EC2U local coordinators in Turku, Finland, in June–July. The local coordinators have a central role in the EC2U collaboration, and the development work conducted by them benefits both students, teachers, staff and administrative staff.

The Uniting Companies and International University Talents (UNICOM) Project Has Launched – Focus on Supporting the Careers of International Talents


The UNICOM project aims to increase the current labour market’s appeal and openness to highly educated international talents already living in Southwest Finland. The ESF-funded project is coordinated by the University of Turku. The UNICOM project responds to the lack of talents in companies in three pre-selected fields (Health, Tech and Clean).