Keyword: Research Council of Finland

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Need Help with Writing the Publication Plan or Data Management Description in AoF’s September Call? The Library May Be Able to Help!


During Academy of Finland’s September call Turku University Library provides help  for researchers who want input on the publication plan or data management description in their application. So please, email your questions to no later than two weeks before the deadline. 

University of Turku Successful in the Research Infrastructure Funding Calls of the Academy of Finland


Researchers from the University of Turku have been granted research infrastructure funding by the Academy of Finland. The largest funding was granted to the imaging infrastructure led by Professor Juhani Knuuti and the hydrology infrastructure lead by Professor Petteri Alho. Overall, eight projects with researchers from the University of Turku received funding.

Academy of Finland Funding and Data Management Plan – University of Turku Process and Services during the Summer


Since the Academy of Finland September call 2020, significant changes have been made to the University of Turku process for approving and accepting of the funding. The research support services at the University of Turku will help the researcher in writing the plan. To ensure the quality of the service, we would like to remind the researchers of the summer schedules.