Keyword: School of Languages and Translation Studies

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School of Languages and Translation Studies

Welcome to the School of Languages and Translation Studies at the University of Turku!

The School of Languages and Translation Studies (SLT) is an international teaching and research centre that trains various types of experts in languages, cultures and communication, such as teachers, translators, language experts and researchers.  We excel in teaching and research collaboration.

Research at the School of Languages and Translation Studies

The School of Languages and Translation Studies is a scholarly institution dedicated to the scientific investigation of languages. As specialists in multidisciplinary research, our faculty delves into language systems, the phenomena of individual languages across time, and uncovering the general features of human languages. Global changes in the operating environment increase multilingualism and multiculturalism in our networked world. This underlines the importance of the knowledge we produce in digitalising working life and societal decision-making.

Degree Programme in Language Learning and Teaching

The Degree Programme in Language Learning and Teaching is one of the three MA programmes in the School of Languages and Translation Studies. We train experts in language learning and teaching and conduct a range of multilingual and multidisciplinary research on language learning.

New Methods for Language Learning Developed at the University of Turku


Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities are developing methods for facilitating language learning and cultural education through art. In addition, the Centre for Language and Communication Studies is developing a mobile app for supporting international students in Finnish language learning.