Keyword: University Communications

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International Students Are Satisfied with the University of Turku


A survey conducted last year shows that international students were particularly satisfied with the University of Turku. The survey covered all the European universities and their exchange students.

The first exchange students of 2014 began their studies at the beginning of January.

The Number of Master’s Degrees Is on the Increase


According to the advance information from the faculties, 162 doctors graduated from the University of Turku last year. In addition, 1632 Master’s degrees and 1456 Bachelor’s degrees were completed.

​The faculties celebrate the new Masters with Graduation Ceremonies. Masters from the Faculty of Humanities gathered at the Old Academy Building in December.

The Amazonian Biodiversity under Close Study


A Finnish-Brazilian collaboration that researches the variation of biodiversity in the Amazon has received the biggest funding, over 670 000 euro, from the Academy of Finland and the São Paulo Research Foundation.

Turku Is a Great City for Sports


The sport services at the university offer a wide range of sports for everyone’s taste. – By doing sports, the mind stays active and it’s easier to concentrate, reminds Kalle Dahl, an alpine skier, who is representing the university at the student Olympics.