Keyword: University Communications

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Dangerous Situation Was Suspected on Turku Campus


According to eyewitnesses, on 13 September, a person was carrying an edged weapon on the Turku campus of the University of Turku. The police came to check the situation. According to the police, it is now safe to move around campus.

Large Erasmus+ Grant for Development of Biomedical Education


The Nordic NordBioMedNet, a collaborative network in the field of biomedicine, has received over €350,000 in Strategic Partnerships Erasmus+ funding from the European Union. With the funding, the network is building an Open Educational Resource – OER biomedical platform that is open for all.

University of Turku Employs Nearly 50 New Doctoral Candidates


There are nearly fifty open vacancies for fixed-term doctoral candidate positions at the University of Turku from 1 January 2018 onwards. The call for applications is open 1–20 September and positions are open to all the 16 doctoral programmes.

HIIT Releases Endorphins in the Brain


Finnish researchers at the University of Turku have revealed that exercise-induced endorphin release in the brain depends on the intensity of the exercise. Endorphin release induced by exercise may be an important mechanism which affects exercise motivation and maintenance of regular physical activity.

University of Turku and Shandong Normal University to Deepen Collaboration


The University of Turku and the Shandong Normal University from China will deepen their co-operation in research and education. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Rector Kalervo Väänänen and Chancellor Shang Zhixiao on 18 August at the University of Turku.

​Chancellor Shang Zhixiao and Rector Kalervo Väänänen signed the Memorandum of Understanding on 18 August.