Keyword: University Communications

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Russian-Finnish Life Sciences Center Was Opened in St. Petersburg


In St. Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy, a new Russian-Finnish Life Sciences Center was opened on Thursday, 19 November. The Center’s purpose is to deepen the co-operation in the pharmaceutical field between Finland and Russia. The University of Turku is one of the Center’s five founders.

AI Watson Learns Finnish in Turku


For a decade, researchers at the University of Turku have been developing a technology that is able to interpret Finnish. Technology company IBM utilises the technology developed in Turku to teach Watson Finnish.

​Filip Ginter and Tapio Salakoski find co-operation with IBM as a good example of the benefits of open science.

Astronomers Observe First Light from Gravitational Wave Source


Researchers have detected a merger of two neutron stars with telescopes as a light visible to the human eye. The discovery is historic as this is the first time that scientists were able to observe electromagnetic radiation and gravitational waves from the same event. Furthermore, this was the first, confirmed observation of a merger of two neutron stars.

​Artist’s impression of merging neutron stars.

Children Born in Latter Part of the Year More Likely to be Diagnosed with ADHD


In comprehensive school, the age difference between the oldest and youngest pupil in the same school year can be 12 months. The immaturity of younger children can lead to a mistaken diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), shows a new study by the University of Turku and University of Nottingham.