Keyword: University Communications

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Call for Applications to the Turku Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Turku


The Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) invites applications for 10 postdoctoral and 12 collegium researcher positions for a fixed-term period of three years. The TIAS research collegium promotes cutting-edge research in humanities and social sciences by recruiting researchers who are committed to interdisciplinary and innovative research. The call for applications opened on 12 February and closes on 13 April 2018.

Russian Ambassador to Finland and Consul General Visited University


The new Russian Ambassador to Finland Pavel Kuznetsov and Consul General Alexander Gremitskikh met the management and students of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University in Turku on 6 February 2018.

​Consul General Alexander Gremitskikh, Rector of the University of Turku Kalervo Väänänen, Ambassador Pavel Kuznetsov, and Rector of Åbo Akademi University Mikko Hupa.

New Salomaa Prize for Automata Theory and Formal Languages – Call for Nominations


The international Developments in Language Theory (DLT) Conference focusing on formal languages, automata theory, and related topics has decided to create the Salomaa Prize, which is awarded for the first time this year. The Prize is given to a researcher who has advanced automata theory, and it is named after Academician Arto Salomaa, a long-time Professor of Mathematics at the University of Turku as well as the founder of the DLT Conference.

Photo Galleries from Graduation Ceremonies Are Now Available


Photos from the Master’s degree graduation ceremonies of the Faculties of Law, Humanities, and Science and Engineering as well as Turku School of Economics are now available for download in the University’s Media Bank.

​The Master’s degree graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Science and Engineering in December 2017.

Professor Erkki Korpimäki Inducted into the World Owl Hall of Fame


For more than 50 years, Professor Erkki Korpimäki has studied the Boreal Owl in the wild, western regions of Finland. In recognition of his contributions to owl research and conservation, Professor Korpimäki will receive the Champion of Owls Award from the World Owl Hall of Fame during the 16th Annual International Festival of Owls on 2–4 March 2018.

Better Soil Maps Needed to Map Plant Species Distributions in Amazonia


An international research team has shown that the modelling of species distributions in Amazonia requires information not only of climate but also of soils. At the same time, they found considerable inaccuracies and other problems in the available soil maps. For conservation planning, it is important to obtain reliable information on where and how widely different species are distributed in Amazonia.

Applications to University’s International Master’s Degree Programmes Doubled


The most popular programmes were Global Innovation Management, Biomedical Sciences, Information Security and Cryptography, Education and Learning, and Futures Studies, which received altogether 733 applications. All in all, the international Master’s degree programmes received 1,116 applications from 98 countries, whereas the number of applications in the previous year was only 502.

Recruitment of Christian Ott to the University of Turku


Doctor Christian Ott has been appointed to the position of a senior researcher for a fixed-term of two years to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Turku. The position has a four-month trial period.

UK Ambassador to Finland Visited the University of Turku


The new Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Finland, Tom Dodd, visited the University of Turku on Wednesday, 24 January. According to Mr Dodd, Brexit is a phase in the British history that defines the entire nation, and separation from the EU will happen next spring as planned. Mr Dodd wishes that the relations between the UK and the EU will remain good.

Ambassador Dodd met Rector Väänänen before his guest lecture.