Keyword: University Communications

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Khalil Shahramian Wins Three Minute Thesis Competition


The winner of the University’s Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) 2018 was Khalil Shahramian. He will represent the University of Turku in the international 3MT competition organised by the Coimbra Group.

​Khalil Shahramian (left) was the favourite of both the judges and the audience. Pablo Perez came in second.

Finnish Research Group Discovers a New Immune System Regulator


Academy Professor Riitta Lahesmaa’s research group from Turku Centre for Biotechnology of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University has discovered a new regulator of the immune system, a key factor that controls development of regulatory T cells. The discovery provides basis for new strategies for the treatment of both cancer and immune-mediated diseases.

Asian Elephants Have Different Personality Traits Just Like Humans


Researchers of the University of Turku, Finland, have studied a timber elephant population in Myanmar and discovered that Asian elephant personality manifests through three different factors. The personality factors identified by the researchers are Attentiveness, Sociability and Aggressiveness.

Countries Investing in Well-being Also Allocate Resources to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


A new research report shows that a high ranking in the Human Development Index (HDI) is connected with the availability of mental health services. In a comparison between 17 European and Asian countries, Norway, Switzerland and Finland had the highest ratio of child and adolescent psychiatrists. The report was compiled by the Eurasian Child & Adolescent Mental Health Study (EACMHS) network established by the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry at the University of Turku, Finland. The report was published as an editorial in the European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry journal.

New Methods for Language Learning Developed at the University of Turku


Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities are developing methods for facilitating language learning and cultural education through art. In addition, the Centre for Language and Communication Studies is developing a mobile app for supporting international students in Finnish language learning.