Keyword: Doctoral Programme in Biology, Geography and Geology (BGG)

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Great Diversity of Wasps Discovered in Africa – Doctoral Candidate Collected over 100,000 Parasitoid Wasps in the Tropical Forest of Uganda (Dissertation Defence: MSc Tapani Hopkins, 27 Feb 2021, Biology)

Doctoral Candidate Tapani Hopkins collected over 100,000 parasitoid wasps from the tropical forest of Uganda during his doctoral dissertation. Current results suggest that there is a diverse parasitoid wasp fauna still awaiting discovery in tropical Africa. His dissertation defence on rhyssine wasp species, their ecology, and how their diversity compares to Amazonia will be held online. Questions are welcome after the event.

Doctoral Programme in Biology, Geography and Geology - for the Doctoral Researcher

BGG doctoral programme offers its doctoral researchers a multidisciplinary environment and support, organizes events and thematic courses, and awards travel grants and grants for completing a doctoral degree. A major asset is the internationality of BGG. Around 30% of our doctoral researchers are international. BGG thus has a multicultural atmosphere stimulating all doctoral researchers to look beyond their immediate surroundings and exposing them to peers with various background and experiences.