Keyword: Lecture

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CV & Application


2.11.2023 at 14.00 - 15.00
(Rekry) The purpose of the application and CV is to intrigue the interest of the employer and secure you a place for the job interview. By participating in the info session, you will get practical tips on what information should a CV contain and how to build a well-targeted application letter for...

The Hidden Job Market


23.10.2023 at 14.00 - 15.00
(Rekry) According to many estimates, up to three out of four job seekers find employment in the so-called hidden jobs. But what exactly are hidden jobs? And how do you access them? Come and listen to the steps you can take to find a job that suits you. The Info sessions (5 x 1h) are part of the Job...

How to tell about your skills and expertise


18.10.2023 at 14.00 - 15.00
(Rekry) What are your strengths? What kind of skills do you have? During this info session, you will get the tools on identifying your own skills and putting them into words. We will also go over ways to make your skills visible to (Finnish) employers. The Info sessions (5 x 1h) are part of the Job...

Working in Finland


10.10.2023 at 14.00 - 15.00
(Rekry) What is Finnish working culture? What aspect should you be aware of when working in Finland? What kind of level of Finnish language is necessary for working in Finland? In the info session, we go over key information about Finnish job market and different employers, and what one should keep...

Talk on Coloniality of language and pretextual gaps


27.4.2023 at 16.00 - 17.30
Talk on Coloniality of language and pretextual gaps Professor Carolyn McKinney (University of Cape Town, South Africa) will give a presentation that will draw on her recently published paper. ‘Coloniality of language and pretextual gaps: a case study of emergent bilingual children’s writing in a...

EC2U Career Talk webinar: Intercultural Experiences


24.4.2023 at 19.30 - 20.15
Kevin Rausch is an alumnus of the University of Jena and completed semesters abroad in Italy and the United Kingdom. He also did an internship in Italy during his studies and worked as a translator in Spain after graduation. During these various jobs, he learned to appreciate the diversity of...

EC2U: Career Talk 27.3.2023


27.3.2023 at 19.00 - 20.00
Are you interested in working from different locations independently? Join EC2U Career Talk webinar to learn about location independent career! Alumnus of the University of Turku, currently living in South of France, Mikko works as an entrepreneur and is the owner and the Chairman of the Board of...

Aboa Tech Talks: Circular Economy - What is Circular Economy?


3.3.2023 at 9.00 - 11.00
The universities in Turku launched in autumn 2021 a joint webinar series focusing on technology and sustainable development. Aboa Tech Talks will highlight new technologies and innovative technological research that can offer solutions to the complex global challenges of our time. Events are open...

Meet the BioCity Turku Research Programs


14.2.2023 at 9.00 - 12.30
February 14th at 09:00 On-site event Presidentti auditorium, BioCity What is BioCity Turku and what do they do? What are BioCity Turku Research Programs? Could I find ideas for new collaborative projects? Come and join us for this half-day event to network and get familiar with BioCity Turku...