Keyword: BioCity Turku

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BioCity Student Symposium – Students are the Solution, 24 August 2022


This year BioCity Student Symposium titled Students are the Solution is arranged on-site by PhD researchers from The University of Turku and Abo Akademi University together with BioCity Turku and InFLAMES Flagship in Cave theatre - Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki, 24th August 2022.

31st BioCity Symposium 25-26 August 2022


This year BioCity Symposium is arranged on-site in Mauno Conference Centre, BioCity, together with InFLAMES Research Flagship 25–26 August 2022, with the title Solution is in Immunity. Registration is now open until 11 August 2022.

Call for BioCity Turku new research programs – Deadline 15 April


BioCity Turku is an umbrella organization supporting and coordinating research on life sciences and molecular medicine in University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. BioCity Turku research programs strengthen the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaboration within the Turku campus. BioCity Turku asks for proposals for new research programs for 2022-2026.

Frontiers of Science Seminar Program for Autumn 2021 is Ready


BioCity Turku arranges every semester Frontiers of Science seminar series where researchers are welcome to invite prominent international scientists to give a talk to local scientific community. The seminars are for all researchers and students and students can get ECTs from participation.

Turku Centre for Biotechnology Celebrates 30-year Anniversary and Strengthens Role as International Cluster of Expertise


Turku Centre for Biotechnology, a joint unit of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, celebrating its 30-year anniversary offers technology services and produces top research in biosciences. In honour of the anniversary, the name of the Centre was changed to gain more visibility and to strengthen its position at the heart of technology services in Turku. In the future, the Centre's brand name will be Turku Bioscience – in Finnish, Turun biotiedekeskus.