Keyword: Turku Bioscience Centre

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Turku Bioscience Celebrated Its 30th Anniversary


Turku Bioscience Centre, or Turku Bioscience in short, a joint unit of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University offering technology services and producing top research in biosciences is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. On Wednesday 2 October, the Centre celebrated this with a seminar showcasing its achievements throughout the years.

Corporate Corner Collaboration Concept

Corporate Corner promotes academia-to-business collaboration and co-creation. We help academic and industrial researchers to create new ideas and products and solve existing problems within research and development. Corporate corner brings partners together to discuss, develop and co-invent within various fields of science. Through shared ideas and know-how, resources and infrastructures, Corporate Corner fuels new opportunities and supports societal well-being and economic growth.  

Connect to co-create!

Researchers from Turku Bioscience Centre Identified Novel Oncogenic Function for Receptor Linked with Alzheimer’s Disease


Common and rare SORLA single nucleotide polymorphisms have been associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease. So far, SORLA has been mainly studied in neurons, but the new study focused on the role of SORLA in cancer cells. Led by Academy Professor Johanna Ivaska, the research group observed that SORLA was highly expressed in HER2 positive cancers. Removing SORLA from cancer cells severely impaired the oncogenic fitness of HER2 positive cancers.