Keyword: Turku Bioscience Centre

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Turku Centre for Biotechnology Celebrates 30-year Anniversary and Strengthens Role as International Cluster of Expertise


Turku Centre for Biotechnology, a joint unit of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, celebrating its 30-year anniversary offers technology services and produces top research in biosciences. In honour of the anniversary, the name of the Centre was changed to gain more visibility and to strengthen its position at the heart of technology services in Turku. In the future, the Centre's brand name will be Turku Bioscience – in Finnish, Turun biotiedekeskus. 

Researchers Discovered New Immune Response Regulators


The research groups of Academy Professor Riitta Lahesmaa and Research Director Laura Elo from Turku Centre for Biotechnology have discovered new proteins that regulate T cells in the human immune system. Some of these proteins can provide possible new targets for drug development in treating immune-mediated diseases.