Keyword: Faculty of Medicine

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Progress test

The progress test, which is used in medical education around the world, has now also been introduced at the University of Turku. The progress test, which was piloted in autumn 2021, has been well received by both students and teachers.

Faculty of Medicine at the University of Turku Confers Five Honorary Doctors in Its Ceremonial Conferment in the Spring


The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Turku organises a ceremonial conferment of doctoral degrees on 25–27 May 2023. Five honorary doctors will be conferred in the ceremony. They will receive the title of honorary doctor for their scientific merits, collaboration with the Faculty, and their impact on society.

Study Explored Impact of Russian Invasion on Mental Health in Ukraine 2014 – Adolescents in War-Region Experienced High War Trauma and Daily Stress


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety were more likely in adolescents exposed to war than those living outside the war-affected region in Ukraine. The unique study conducted by the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry of the University of Turku is the largest epidemiological study using standardised measures that examined the impact of the Russia–Ukraine war 2014 on the mental health of adolescents.