Nobel Laureate Stefan Hell arrives to Turku in September - anniversary is celebrated with a bioimaging-themed art and science event


Physicist Stefan Hell, who started his research at the University of Turku in the 1990s, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in autumn 2014. The 10th anniversary of the prize will be celebrated on 4 September with a portrait unveiling at 12-14 in Alhopuro lecture hall and a science and art event open to the public at 14-20 at Visitor Centre Joki.

Professor Stefan Hell will visit the University of Turku on Wednesday, 4 September to mark the 10th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to him. The Nobel Prize was awarded for Hell's development of a super-resolution microscope that exceeded the image resolution limit previously considered unbreakable. This has enabled completely new advances in fields such as cancer and virus research and drug development.

To mark the anniversary, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Turku will present Hell's portrait to the University's collections at a ceremony on 4 September at 12-14 in Alhopuro lecture hall of Medisiina D. The portrait will be received by Rector Marjo Kaartinen.

The Nobel prize anniversary has also inspired the trilingual event "From imaging Nobel to AI future", open to all, organised jointly by the imaging organisations Turku BioImaging and Euro-BioImaging, the InFLAMES flagship and the Faculty of Medicine.

The event will take place in the Visitor Centre Joki (BioCity, Lemminkäisenkatu 12b) and will showcase the magical world of bioimaging through an art exhibition and talks; from its successful history to future prospects in Turku, and how AI is opening up a whole new way of looking at the intracellular world. The event will feature, among other things:

  • Multisensorial art exhibition exploring the beauty of imaging
  • Inspiring talks by world-class imaging researchers
  • Networking over coffee and cake in the afternoon and more refreshments in the evening hours plus a taste of musical performance

No registration is needed for the event "From imaging Nobel to AI future", the event is free and open to the general public. Save the date, spread the word and bring your family and friends with you. Everyone is welcome!

> For more information visit Turku BioImaging website

More information about the event:

Jiri Funda


> Please register for the unveiling of the portrait in advance

Created 22.08.2024 | Updated 22.08.2024