Research at the Department of Chinese
The Department of Chinese conducts research on contemporary Chinese linguistics, focusing on digital communications, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, and second language acquisition. Our research explores language use in modern Sinophone societies, the intersection of language and technology, the interaction between language and cognition, and the role of language in social change.
The research activities of the department have been focusing on the following areas:
- Chinese construction grammar
- Digital platform-mediated communication
- Chinese language and gender
- East Asian languages and human bodily experience
- Discourses regarding emerging social phenomena
- Chinese language learning and teaching
Recent Publications
Tekoälyä ja teknologiaa – täydennyskoulutusta kielten opettajille (2024)
Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkolehti
(Article in trade journal or blog post (D1))
Un robot qui enseigne des langues ? : L’application Elias Robot en tant que matériel pédagogique (2024)
(G2 Master’s thesis, polytechnic Master’s thesis)Introduction (2024)
(Refereed article in compilation book (A3))Kestävää ja kulttuurienvälistä saksan opiskelua Salamancassa (2024)
Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkolehti
(D1 Professional blog post)