Juhani Knuuti profile picture
Director, Turku PET Centre
InFLAMES Flagship
MD, professor, Turku PET Centre
Cardiovascular diseases, imaging


+358 29 450 2345
+358 50 059 2998
Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8


Juhani Knuuti’s research has focused on the physiology and pathophysiology, diagnosis and new therapies of coronary artery disease, heart failure and metabolic diseases. The research is also focused on developing and utilizing novel noninvasive imaging methods (PET, SPECT, echocardiography, MRI and CT) that will help to determine the risk and severity of CHD and heart failure and provide guidance for therapy decisions. The recent focus in cardiac research has been on vulnerable plaques, cardiac remodelling and multimodality and hybrid imaging. In metabolic and diabetes research, the focus has been in the interactions between different organs and heart in the pathogenesis and development of the cardiac diseases.


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2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension (2013)

Blood Pressure
Mancia G, Fagard R, Narkiewicz K, Redon J, Zanchetti A, Bohm M, Christiaens T, Cifkova R, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Galderisi M, Grobbee DE, Jaarsma T, Kirchhof P, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Manolis AJ, Nilsson PM, Ruilope LM, Schmieder RE, Sirnes PA, Sleight P, Viigimaa M, Waeber B, Zannad F, Zamorano JL, Achenbach S, Baumgartner H, Bax JJ, Bueno H, Dean V, Deaton C, Erol C, Fagard R, Ferrari R, Hasdai D, Hoes AW, Kirchhof P, Knuuti J, Kolh P, Lancellotti P, Linhart A, Nihoyannopoulos P, Piepoli MF, Ponikowski P, Sirnes PA, Tamargo JL, Tendera M, Torbicki A, Wijns W, Windecker S
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Alternative Imaging Modalities in Ischemic Heart Failure (AIMI-HF) IMAGE HF Project I-A: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (2013)

O'Meara E, Mielniczuk LM, Wells GA, deKemp RA, Klein R, Coyle D, Mc Ardle B, Paterson I, White JA, Arnold M, Friedrich MG, Larose E, Dick A, Chow B, Dennie C, Haddad H, Ruddy T, Ukkonen H, Wisenberg G, Cantin B, Pibarot P, Freeman M, Turcotte E, Connelly K, Clarke J, Williams K, Racine N, Garrard L, Tardif JC, DaSilva J, Knuuti J, Beanlands R
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Updated detailed ESC guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation, 2012 Actualización detallada de las guías de la ESC para el manejo de la fibrilación auricular de 2012: Actualización de las guías de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología (ESC) para el manejo de la fibrilación auricular de 2010 Elaborada en colaboración con la Asociación Europea del Ritmo Cardiaco (2013)

Revista Española de Cardiología
Camm A.J., Lip G.Y.H., Caterina R.D., Savelieva I., Atar D., Hohnloser S.H., Hindricks G., Kirchhof P., Bax J.J., Baumgartner H., Ceconi C., Dean V., Deaton C., Fagard R., Funck-Brentano C., Hasdai D., Knuuti J., Kolh P., McDonagh T., Moulin C., Popescu B.A., Reiner Z., Sechtem U., Anton Sirnes P., Tendera M., Torbicki A., Vahanian A., Windecker S., Vardas P., Al-Attar N., Alfieri O., Angelini A., Blömstrom-Lundqvist C., Colonna P., De Sutter J., Ernst S., Goette A., Gorenek B., Hatala R., Heidbüchel H., Heldal M., Dalby Kristensen S., Le Heuzey J.Y., Mavrakis H., Mont L., Perrone Filardi P., Ponikowski P., Prendergast B., Rutten F.H., Schotten U., Van Gelder I.C., Verheugt F.W.A.
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