Juhani Knuuti profile picture
Director, Turku PET Centre
Professor, Turku PET Centre
InFLAMES Flagship
MD, professor, Turku PET Centre
Cardiovascular diseases, imaging


+358 29 450 2345
+358 50 059 2998
Kiinamyllynkatu 4-8


Juhani Knuuti’s research has focused on the physiology and pathophysiology, diagnosis and new therapies of coronary artery disease, heart failure and metabolic diseases. The research is also focused on developing and utilizing novel noninvasive imaging methods (PET, SPECT, echocardiography, MRI and CT) that will help to determine the risk and severity of CHD and heart failure and provide guidance for therapy decisions. The recent focus in cardiac research has been on vulnerable plaques, cardiac remodelling and multimodality and hybrid imaging. In metabolic and diabetes research, the focus has been in the interactions between different organs and heart in the pathogenesis and development of the cardiac diseases.


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Detailed behaviour of endothelial wall shear stress across coronary lesions from non-invasive imaging with coronary computed tomography angiography (2022)

EHJ Cardiovascular Imaging / European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging
van den Hoogen Inge J., Schultz Jussi, Kuneman Jurrien H., de Graaf Michiel A., Kamperidis Vasileios, Broersen Alexander, Jukema J. Wouter, Sakellarios Antonis, Nikopoulos Sotirios, Kyriakidis Savvas, Naka Katerina K., Michalis Lampros, Fotiadis Dimitrios I., Maaniitty Teemu, Saraste Antti, Bax Jeroen J., Knuuti Juhani
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Vessel and sex differences in pericoronary adipose tissue attenuation obtained with coronary CT in individuals without coronary atherosclerosis (2022)

International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
van Rosendael Sophie E, Kuneman Jurrien H, van den Hoogen Inge J, Kitslaar Pieter H, van Rosendael Alexander R, van der Bijl Pieter, Reiber Johan H. C, Marsan Nina Ajmone, Jukema J. Wouter, Knuuti Juhani, Bax Jeroen J.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

2022 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular assessment and management of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery Developed by the task force for cardiovascular assessment and management of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Endorsed by the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) (2022)

European Heart Journal
Halvorsen S, Mehilli J, Cassese S, Hall TS, Abdelhamid M, Barbato E, De Hert S, de Laval I, Geisler T, Hinterbuchner L, Ibanez B, Lenarczyk R, Mansmann UR, McGreavy P, Mueller C, Muneretto C, Niessner A, Potpara TS, Ristic A, Sade LE, Schirmer H, Schupke S, Sillesen H, Skulstad H, Torracca L, Tutarel O, Van der Meer P, Wojakowski W, Zacharowski K, Knuuti J, Kristensen SD, Aboyans V, Ahrens I, Antoniou S, Asteggiano R, Atar D, Baumbach A, Baumgartner H, Bohm M, Borger MA, Bueno H, Celutkiene J, Chieffo A, Cikes M, Darius H, Delgado V, Devereaux PJ, Duncker D, Falk V, Fauchier L, Habib G, Hasdai D, Huber K, Iung B, Jaarsma T, Konradi A, Koskinas KC, Kotecha D, Landmesser U, Lewis BS, Linhart A, Lochen ML, Maeng M, Manzo-Silberman S, Mindham R, Neubeck L, Nielsen JC, Petersen SE, Prescott E, Rakisheva A, Saraste A, Sibbing D, Siller-Matula J, Sitges M, Stankovic I, Storey RF, Ten Berg J, Thielmann M, Touyz RM
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