Keyword: Press release

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Researchers Observed Association between Standing and Insulin Sensitivity – Standing More May Help Prevent Chronic Diseases


Insulin is a key hormone in energy metabolism and blood sugar regulation. Normal insulin function in the body may be disturbed by e.g. overweight, leading to decreased insulin sensitivity and increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In a Finnish collaborative study of Turku PET Centre and UKK institute, the researchers noticed that standing is associated with better insulin sensitivity. Increasing the daily standing time may therefore help prevent chronic diseases.

Dissertation on philosophy of gender and sexual variance to expand understanding of good life and the human condition (Defense: VTM, FM Tiia Sudenkaarne, August 28th2021, philosophy)

Master of Social Sciences, Master of Arts Tiia Sudenkaarne introduces queer bioethics into Finnish academia. Her dissertation analyses how LGBTQI+ questions often considered marginal are philosophically robust and socio-politically important.

Weapon Grave of Suontaka, Hattula in Finland Reveals Flexible Gender Roles in the Early Middle Ages


The modern re-analysis of a weapon grave found in Suontaka, Hattula in Finland over 50 years ago challenges the traditional beliefs about gender roles in the Iron Age and Early Medieval communities and reveals information about the gender expressions of the period. The grave also functions as a proof of how non-binary people  could have been valued and respected members of their communities.