Well-being and Exercise Afternoon 2 Oct 2019 from 12:00-16:45

University's already traditional Well-Being and Exercise Afternoon takes place on Wednesday 2 Oct 2019 around Educarium.

A Taiji exercise at Publicum, room 150, - or weather permitting at the Tuomaanpuisto park at 12:30-13:30. At Educarium you can try out CampusSport's new sports classes at the gymnastic hall and visit the Well-Being Fair at the entrance hall from noon to 3 p.m. On the 1st floor there is poster display of well-being related research.

Events are open for all members of the university community. Supervisors are invited to participate and to encourage others as well.

Sports Try-outs

Taiji at Publicum; hatha yoga, singing bowls, Posture Power and Lavis at Educarium

Well-being Fair

Well-being Fair at the entrance hall of Educarium
  • Occupational Health Service Mehiläinen: InBody testing
  • Finnish Student Health Service YTHS: food and nourishment info
  • CampusSport: Sports and well-being services
  • SissiFysio: a neck and shoulder massage or a try-out of traditional Kalevala-style folk remedy (5€/treatment, cash payment).
  • MeruHealth: digital treatment programme for depression and exhaustion
  • Instrumentarium: sight & vision testing
  • Study and Work Well-being Services: Work Well-being Survey open 30.9. - 14.10.2019
  • Human resources development: staff training and mentoring programme
  • Suomen Karvakaverit ry: Pipsa, leonberger, a hairy companion
  • Mindfulness - ask, discuss and try out! Mindfulness instructor Jorma Luutonen. Exercise times and registration at the stand.

Poster Display of Well-being related research and actions

Posters on display at the 1st floor hallway of Educarium

The Poster Display brings forth well-being related research and actions. There is room for 10 posters. 

Reservations and further information:

sports coordinator Anni Kettunen (040 4802788)
