Nature2100 Fund administrative committee and contact details

The Nature2100 Fund operates under the Turku University Foundation as an independently financed fund, with its funds kept separate from the Foundation's other funds.  

The fund has an administrative committee, which is responsible for implementing and developing the fund’s purpose, planning and preparing the forest acquisition policy, evaluating and choosing the forest areas to be acquired, proposing the size of the purchase offers, and planning the use and management of the forests.

Decisions on forest property acquisitions are made by the board of the Turku University Foundation based on the proposal of the administrative committee. The chair of the committee is appointed by the Rector of the University of Turku. Any changes in the composition of the administrative committee are approved by the board of the Turku University Foundation.

Members of the administrative committee and contact details

Members of the administrative committee of the Nature2100 Fund:

  • Vice Rector Mika Hannula, University of Turku (chair)
  • Professor Jukka Käyhkö, University of Turku
  • Professor Toni Laaksonen, University of Turku
  • Professor Ilari Sääksjärvi, University of Turku
  • Administrative Director Mikael Nordström, Metsähallitus
  • Sustainable Development Specialist Jutta Mäkinen, University of Turku


Contact person for the administrative committee is Toni Laaksonen, tel. +358 50 412 9784, toni.laaksonen(at)