Kahvilla alumnin kanssa

Coffee with alumni

Are you a student at the University of Turku and need tips and advice regarding studies or working life? Are you an alum of the University of Turku who has experience and insight into what skills and competences are needed in working life and transitioning into it? Welcome to the Coffee with alumni event!


Coffee with alumni is a learning cafe-type event series, where students get to talk with alumni representing different fields, career paths and stages about studying, working life and transitioning to it. At the event, the perspectives of both alumni and students are heard and together we look for solutions or answers to the topics discussed.

Alumni act as experts at this event and lead discussions in small groups. Each group has its own theme based on the alumni's experience and expertise, and the participants have the opportunity to choose which discussion they want to participate in. There is also room for joint discussion at the events. The events are open and relaxed in nature, offering a low threshold for participation.


Turku University's graduates, or alumni, are our largest stakeholder group and an important network of experts. They operate in all areas of society and have the most up-to-date information about the demands and opportunities of working life.

The aim of the events is to support this interaction and provide a low-threshold platform for meeting and networking between students and alumni. The events support the students' working life skills, self-confidence in finding their own path, and build the students' own growth as future alumni. For alumni, the events offer the opportunity to return to their home university, share their skills and expertise, and of course meet other alumni and students.

For whom?

The event is aimed at all students and alumni of the University of Turku, regardless of field of study.


The event takes place 2-4 times per academic year. More detailed event times will be announced on the university's communication channels.


The coordination and content of the series of events is the responsibility of Alumni Relations of the University of Turku in cooperation with the alumni. The series of events is based on a survey commissioned by alumni relations in the spring of 2023, which surveyed students' and alumni's wishes and suggestions for alumni activities. More information about the survey University of Turku alumni relations, alumni@utu.fi.

Alumni, if you are interested in participating in the event and sharing your experience and know-how with students, please contact alumni@utu.fi.


Past events

19/05/2023 | What is a good enough career? What work life skills and experience are needed at the beginning of a career? Is there a good job or a bad job? How do you grow from an uncertain student to an expert? How can you handle this?

Time: Fri 19 May 2023
Location: Arcanum, Luoma project space

The main themes of the event were the transition to working life, applying for a job, recognizing one's own skills and the experience of sufficiency. The event was attended by five alumni and 25 students from various fields.


Kahvilla alumnin kanssa 19.5.

Discussion topics and experts:


1. How to start a career? What kind of working life skills are expected from a young employee? How does competence develop in working life? How to take care of your own coping?

Heily Palomäki has graduated with a master's degree in philosophy from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and works in a life insurance company in actuarial positions.

"Opiskeluaikoina tuli paljon pohdittua työllistymiseen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Työnhaku voi olla haastavaa varsinkin vähän tai ei lainkaan oman alan työkokemusta omaavalle, ja uudessa tehtävässä aloittaminen on jatkuvaa oppimista. Neuvon mielelläni kaikissa työelämään liittyvissä kysymyksissä ja kerron myös työelämätaidoista. Tilaisuudessa puhun omista kokemuksistani ja havainnoista, mm. mitä nuorelta työntekijältä odotetaan (tai ei odoteta) työelämässä, miten oma osaaminen kehittyy, sekä miten voi huolehtia omasta jaksamisesta ja miten selviää niistä jaksoista, kun suurelta kuormitukselta ei voi välttyä."

2. How to establish career in Finland? How to change a role from an international student to a working professional? How to cope with the study field mis-matched with current career path?

Claire Wang has graduated from GIM master program. Currently she is working at Wartsila WSSC as Senior accountant. 

"My study was not exactly same field as my current position. However, the master degree from Turku university was a big help for me to establish my career in Finland.  Due to this, I would like to share how I have changed my role from an international student to a working professional and how I have coped with the study field mis-matched with my current career path."

3. Is it possible to predict one's own life? How to proceed on life's scenario path?

Jani Voutilainen graduated from the University of Turku in 2020 with a degree in future research and works at Kuntaliito on the cyber security of critical infrastructure, but in the fall will move to Gofore as a consultant.

"Opiskelen kyberturvallisuutta Turun YAMK:ssa ja teen opparia VTT:lle tulevaisuuden teknologioiden uhkista ja mahdollisuuksista. Olen kirjoittanut ajatuksiani oman elämän ennakoinnista ja mietin, että niistä voisi olla apua myös opiskelijoillekin. Edelleen olen tuolla tekemälläni elämän skenaariopolulla mitä olen useampi vuosi sitten aloittanut."

4. What surprising twists and turns can the transition to working life bring? How can one's own expertise become a business?

Sasu Mikkola has graduated with a master's degree in educational sciences and a special class teacher and works as CEO and entrepreneur at Varsinais-Suomen Sosiaalipalvelut Oy, which offers outpatient social care services to welfare areas.

"Vuonna 2017 tuli loikattua kasvatustieteen kandidaattina kyseiseen muutaman kuukauden ikäiseen firmaan ja nykyään yritys työllistää jo 19 koko-aikaista työntekijää ympäri Varsinais-Suomea ja Satakuntaa. Valmistuin lopulta vasta 2021 kasvatustieteen maisteriksi sekä erityisluokanopettajaksi, joten olen myös näkökulmasta riippuen tietynlainen esimerkki siitä, miten välillä työelämään/yrittäjyyteen siirtyminen voi tuoda mukanaan omanlaisia seikkailuja. Kuitenkin kolikon toisena puolena voin myös jälkiviisaana rehellisesti sanoa ääneen, miten nopeampi valmistuminen olisi lisännyt kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointia."

5. Is there such a thing as a good job or a bad job? Do you have to be an expert in your field on the threshold of graduation? How to listen to your own strengths and interests?

Kristine Alanko has graduated with a master's degree in political science from the subject of social policy and works at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in the digitization team as an expert, especially on the topic of artificial intelligence.

"Sosiaalipolitiikan maisteriopinnot eivät luonnollisesti johda työskentelemään liiketoiminnan digitalisaation pariin, ja mutta koen juuri sosiaalitieteiden olevan etenkin teknologia-alalla ehdoton valtti. Kannattaa rohkeasti kuunnella omia vahvuuksia ja kiinnostusten kohteita. Kaikki työ on merkityksellistä, ei ole olemassa "hyvää" tai "huonoa" työtä. Kukaan ei odota, että olisit oman sektorisi asiantuntija valmistumisen kynnyksellä. Kannattaa tehdä sellaisia asioita joista pitää, eikä pakottaa itseään jollekin alalle vain siksi että se on objektiivisesti hyvä vaihtoehto."