Research at Political Science
Strategic emphasis of the Political Science is on democracy research. The Political Science unit co-operates with other universities in research, especially with the Åbo Akademi University. The two universities have established jointly The Finnish Centre for Democracy Research.
Profile of International Relations Subprogramme
Research within the International Politics subunit focuses on international actors, their policies and interaction; the structures and processes of the world political system; and global problems and their management and resolution through international cooperation. The international Politics researchers also explore philosophical, methodological and other questions related to the history and development of IR. In recent years, various issues or security and securitization, as well as foreign policy analysis, both nationally and in the EU, have dominated the agenda. The rapid changes of the Chinese polity have also attracted a great deal of attention.
Political Systems Subprogramme
The study of the Political systems at the Department has a wide variety of research focuses. Overall, issues related to the functioning of the democracy have dominated the research agenda. Many of the ongoing research are related to democractic institutions, their design and evaluation. The methods employed range from purely theoretical analyses to experimental and comparative techniques.
More concretely, projects within Political Systems include research on the role and performance of parliaments, political discourses and deliberation in parliaments and other contexts, the patterns of political competition, parties and party systems, as well as new forms of democracy such as citizens' initiatives and deliberative mini-publics. Following the tradition of Public Choice Research Centre (PCRC, 2008-) formal modelling is applied especially in the study of collective decision-making and common pool resources. Another noteworthy strand is experimental research which is used to analyze the effects of institutional environments on individual and group decision-making.