Research at the Department of Geography and Geology

”World Beyond the Surface ” is a revealing indication of our broad field of research and the objective to understand the mechanisms behind different phenomena.

As a Department with two scientific fields, the spectrum of our research is exceptionally diverse. The common denominators of our work are the solid theoretical foundation, state-of-the-art research methods and diverse collaboration.

Main areas of research at Geography

  • Innovation environments and urban geography
  • Applied geographical information system science
  • Riverine environments and coastal areas
  • Environmental dynamics and global change

Main areas of research at Geology

  • The geology of Fennoscandia
  • Sedimentology and historical environmental changes

Here are some of our research groups and projects

Our newest publications

Remote Sensing of Forests from LiDAR and Radar (2025)

Hyyppä, Juha; Yu, Xiaowei; Karjalainen, Mika; Liang, Xinlian; Jaakkola, Anttoni; Wulder, Mike; Hollaus, Markus; White, Joanne C.; Vastaranta, Mikko; Pyörälä, Jiri; Yrttimaa, Tuomas; Saarinen, Ninni; Taher, Josef; Virtanen, Juho-Pekka; Matikainen, Leena; Wang, Yunsheng; Puttonen, Eetu; Campos, Mariana; Hyyppä, Matti; Karila, Kirsi; Kaartinen, Harri; Vaaja, Matti; Kankare, Ville; Kukko, Antero; Holopainen, Markus; Hyyppä, Hannu; Katoh, Masato; Hyyppä, Eric
(A3 Refereed book chapter or chapter in a compilation book)