New doctoral researcher, welcome to the Faculty of Science

On this page, we have collected information about what you should know when you start doctoral training at the University of Turku, Faculty of Science.

My UTUGS -Tools for Doctoral Researchers

University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) organizes a My UTUGS- Tools for Doctoral Researchers event twice a year. Participation to this event is highly recommended to all new doctoral researchers. The event includes information session of the faculty and its doctoral programmes as well - these can be on a different day.


Registration with the University
  • Doctoral researchers have to register each academic year as an attending (present) or non-attending (absent) student. Only doctoral researchers registered as attending student can get credits entered into study register and can get a degree certificate. The registration period is annually 1 June – 31 August.
  • When you get the doctoral study right, your enrollment to your first academic period is done automatically. If you do not begin your studies and want to register as non-attending please notice that you'll need to have a special reason.
  • Registration with the university for postgraduate education
UTU account
  • With UTU account you can sign in to almost all the University’s data systems and all information of the University and doctoral programmes is delivered using email (same as UTU account). The UTU account is created automatically but it needs to be activated.
  • Instruction for activating UTU account.
  • The faculty and doctoral programmes use utu e-mail to convey messages. Please, read your utu e-mail!



UGIS is University of Turku Graduate School information system that digitizes the life cycle of doctoral training. UGIS can be used with Edge, Firefox, Chrome or Opera but not with Explorer. You can find UGIS from

Annual progress reporting
  • Monitoring the progress of the doctoral researchers is one of the key elements ensuring the quality of doctoral training. Monitoring the progress benefits especially the doctoral researchers but also the development of doctoral training in the doctoral programme and in the graduate school.
  • Doctoral researchers have to report their progress annually in January. New doctoral researchers report progress of their training for the first time after one, or one and a half years.
  • Annual progress reporting is also used to evaluate the activeness of the doctoral researchers.
Career and review discussion

University of Turku Graduate School aims to enable an opportunity for annual career and review discussion to all doctoral researchers. Doctoral researchers can have the discussion with their supervisor or as a part of the advisory committee meeting.

Career guidance and career paths for doctoral candidates

Contact information

Contact information at the Facutly of Science

  • You can find doctoral programme coordinators of BGG and EXACTUS, chief academic officer and education secretary from the main building of the university (the ground floor office).
  • Coordinators of DPCR and DRDP are in Medisiina (Medisiina, C7-kerros, Kiinamyllynkatu 10).



Postgraduate studies

Study guide
  • Study requirements are in the study guide.
  • Doctoral degree (240 ECTS) consist of a dissertation (200 ECTS) and postgraduate studies (40 ECTS).
  • From the study guide you can find curriculum of the your doctoral programme, UTUGS courses on general studies and courses offered by the departments.
Personal study plan

A new doctoral researcher must make a personal study plan within six months after the study right has started. Please make your plan in the Peppi system. You will get instructions on how to make your study plan from the coordinator of your doctoral programme.

You can find instruction also from UGIS!

Registering study credits

Credits from courses you take at the University of Turku are registered routinely by the course teacher. Other credits (such as a presentation in a conference, teaching practise) are registered via electronic Apply for study credit form.

Other things

Research portal

Research portal is used for managing the data collected on research, maintaining the researchers' profile information (e.g. areas of expertise, research, teaching), and recording professional merits. Everyone should input their published articles' information to research portal annually.



  • From the University of Turku intranet you can find information and instructions on traveling, employment, and the contact information of the personnel etc.