The housing situation in Turku is relatively good and student appartments are of easy walking, cycling or a bus ride distance from the campus.

In the following you will find information on different rental options, some of which operate in collaboration with the University of Turku. NB! It is your responsibility to arrange accommodation for yourself. University of Turku cannot unfortunately guarantee or arrange housing for students and therefore we recommend that you apply housing well in advance, observing the deadlines set by individual housing providers.

TYS - Student Village Foundation

TYS has several student housing locations in the Turku area including shared apartments, studio apartments and family apartments. Most apartments are not furnished but for exchange students TYS offers also furnished apartments and shared apartments.

The rent is between 300 € and 500 € / month (including water, electricity and internet).

You can apply for housing 3 months before the lease begins. You should read your e-mail daily in order to be able to confirm the accommodation offer in time.
To your application (only exchange students) the contact persons are: Kaija Kangasjärvi or Anna Ryzhova

Please check the options and further information for exchange students and degree students at TYS's website.

Watch a video tour in TYS Student Village by #utuambassador Tolga Karayel!

Hostels and Airbnb

If you have not found an apartment from option above, you should take a look at the following options. 

Facebook groups

Also these Facebook groups may be useful

Apartment from general rental markets

Finding housing for a short period of time from the general rental markets in Turku is difficult especially during August and September.  Normally the rental agreements are done for a fixed period of a year and earlier resignation requires a penalty fee to be paid by the tenant.
You can take a look for rental apartments for example from following web-pages. Unfortunately most of the listings are written in Finnish.

Students in Pori campus

For housing options in Pori, please see this page.

Students in Rauma campus

For housing options in Rauma, please see this page. There are also many rental flats available in general rental markets which you can consider.