The 80th Anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine celebrates its 80th anniversary in 2023. Since 1943, the Faculty has been an active health and well-being promoter and a regional influencer. Throughout the year, the Faculty will organise versatile events, to which we warmly welcome everyone.

In the spring, the anniversary can be seen on the streets of Turku as the procession of doctors and honorary doctorates, when we celebrate the Faculty's own Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees. On Thursday, April 20, we will be participating in the Turku Philharmonic Orchestra's Diandra & Bond concert, in connection with which we will present our activities.

In the fall, we will have a celebration week, during which we will focus on the future prospects of medical and health science research and education and think about how we can meet the challenges ahead. There will be interesting speakers on current topics.

The program of the anniversary will be announced in more detail on this page.


Lääketieteellisen tiedekunnan 80-vuotisjuhlavuoden logo.

Preliminary program

Studia Generalia of the Honorary Doctors on 25 May

In connection with the Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees at the Faculty of Medicine, Studia Generalia lectures will be organized in Medisiina D's Alhopuro hall on Thursday, 25 May from 9:15 to 11:00.

Lectures will be given by the Faculty’s Honorary Doctors Professor Emeritus Mikael Knip, Professor Emeritus Björn Klinge, Professor Manuel Tena-Sempere, Professor Adelaida Zabalegui, and Chief Physician Hanna Nohynek.

Lectures are in English.

Please register on 17 May at the latest.

Coffee is available from 8.45am.


9.15 Welcome by Dean Pekka Hänninen

9.20 Professor Emeritus Mikael Knip: The unsolved puzzle of type 1 diabetes

Discussion 5 min

9.40 Professor Emeritus Björn Klinge: The link between oral and systemic health

Discussion 5 min

10.00 Professor Manuel Tena-Sempere: Connecting body weight and reproduction: Physiological basis and pathological implications

Discussion 5 min

10.20 Professor Adelaida Zabalegui: Implementation of Advanced Practice Nursing in Spain

Discussion 5 min

10.40 Chief Physician Hanna Nohynek: What did the covid-19 pandemic teach us about vaccines?

Discussion 5 min

11.00 Closing by Dean Pekka Hänninen

International evening in Turku City Theatre on 25 September
Celebration week 2–6 October

More information and registration – click the links.


Monday, 2 October — How to live a healthy life? seminar in collaboration with InFlames, Health Campus Turku and Health, Diagnostics and Drug Development strategic research area

Tuesday, 3 October — Coffee and birthday cake for Faculty of Medicine students and personnel at 2.00pm in Flavoria (registration is full)

Tuesday, 3 October — Turku Imaging Day organised by The Field of View Research Programme

Wednesday, 4 October — Biomedicine Anniversary Symposium

Thursday, 5 October — Alumni event in Finnish

Friday, 6 October — InFlames Corporate Corner – The Journey of Turning Science into Business

Innovation Festival in Flavoria on 13-17 November

Flavoria Innovation Festival focuses on the developments in the food chain. During the event, teams solve challenges presented directly by companies.

The festival has a kick-off event on 13 November at 11-12.30. Location: Spark Up, Tykistökatu 4 B, Turku.

More information – click here.

Art exhibition

Art exhibition in Aistikattila, Flavoria restaurant

Algernon´s Flowers by Dominik Fleischmann 

Opening on Tuesday, 3 October at 2–4pm

Other opening times:

Wed 4 Oct at 8–10.30am
Thu 5 Oct at 1–4 pm
Fri 6 Oct at 8–11 am

Algernon’s Flowers

3–6 October 2023

The exhibition is dedicated to laboratory  mice and rats and inspired by the Daniel Keyes’ novel Flowers for Algernon (1969), where a man and a mouse (Algernon) undergo the same experiment to increase their intelligence. The themes challenged in the book are still timely today in a society that values rationality and intelligence over love and empathy.

Two visual elements define the multimedia installation at Aistikatilla. One part shows portraits and videos of mice and rats recorded at the Central Animal Laboratory of the University of Turku. The second part speaks of reciprocity and grief, in photographs of withering flowers. After photographing the flowers, the artist  returned them to the ground in memory of the laboratory animals he had visited.

The exhibition Algernon’s Flowers is a tribute to animals used in medical research, even if it might be nothing but a mere gesture, like placing a dying flower into the dirt, in the belief that all life is sacred.

Dominik Fleischmann is a visual artist born in 1989 in Würzburg, Germany. He studied photography in Berlin (Bachelor of Arts in Photography, BTK 2014) and Helsinki (Master of Arts in Art & Design, Aalto University, 2022). Before moving to Finland, he worked in animal sanctuaries across the globe researching the relationship between humans and nature. His work combines a documentary approach with a lyrical narrative and draws inspiration from scientific research, ecofeminism and poetry.

Supporting the 80th anniversary